Summer = Yummy Fruits!!!

Howdy folks!

We recently had the super moon which was awesome! If you missed it, it was absolutely stunning! We also had the official start of summer on the 20th and then meant the seasonal fruits are out! We try really hard to feed Lady S a wide variety of foods although she is not feeling veggies yet unless they are hidden in spaghetti sauce!

The hardest thing about eating fruits and veggies is finding them at affordable prices. For awhile we bought organic fruits and veggies but that option is simply too expensive for us. I recently started scouring the stores for affordable produce and happened upon Aldi. Now I will be the first to admit that I was an Aldi snob! I had never had a desire to go in there but as food prices rise, I had to find a better option for our family. I have to say their fruit is hard to compete with. I went yesterday and scored this haul….

  • 2lbs of plums
  • 2lbs of nectarines
  • 2lbs of bananas
  • 2lbs of strawberries
  • 2lbs of yellow squash

I scored all of that for $10.oo!! So anytime anyone in this house is hungry to the fridge they go for a piece of fruit! In order to preserve all that precious fruit soak it in your in your sink with cold water and 2-3 tbs of apple cider vinegar.

Congrats you’re one step closer to eating all your servings of fruit!