Peace out Plateau!!!!

Yippee!  Hooray! Awesome!!!  I finally broke out of this plateau I have been in for weeks!  I should give myself a round of applause because this literally took forever to break!

Ok, Ok…save your Obama comments!  I just thought this was a cute gif!

Now on to the real stuff.  In February I had surgery on my legs due to Venous Reflux Disease….esentially the veins in my legs had become weak and diseased for reasons they can’t tell me so I had to have them fixed/closed off.  The surgery itself was nothing but I had 3 separate procedures where I had to take a total of 4 weeks off from working out.  All I could do was walk on the treadmill and that is one piece of gym equipment I care nothing about! I have hit plateaus before but came out of them quickly by increasing my workouts and reducing calories, but this one lasted forever.  Or so I thought….

I have noticed over the last couple of weeks that while the scale is moving a little I am dropping clothes sizes.  This means I am losing inches!  Ya!!!!  I have upped my weight lifting focusing on a lot of different muscle groups and have gone back to my favorite gym machine, the Arc Trainer.  I admit….I am that woman who stands in the bathroom flexing muscles I haven’t seen in years.

This morning when I weighed the scale read 219!  That means to date, I have lost 81 lbs and gained some muscles and better health overall.  Ultimately my goal was to lose 100 lbs although the closer  I get to that number the less fixated I am on it.

Since it’s Friday I have to menu plan for the week so until next time!
